Payment in full is due by the 20th of every month. You can pay your bill online, over the phone, in office, or sign up for automatic withdrawals from a checking account or credit card with a Smart Hub account or by calling 1-855-939-3791.
a. If a Valley technician makes a visit to your home and finds the problem is with the Valley equipment (outside your home), the repair will be made at no charge. If the technician determines the problem is not with the Valley equipment, then the problem most likely exists with the jacks and wiring in your home and you will be charged a $80 trouble isolation charge. If you choose to have the technician make the repair in your home, you will also be billed for time and materials. Any charges incurred will appear on your next monthly bill.
b. If you have a wire maintenance plan, there is no charge for trouble isolation or repairs made to existing jacks and wiring.
Wire Maintenance is an optional line maintenance program that covers the telephone wiring and jacks inside your home in case of damage. With wire maintenance you are not charged for service calls to repair your inside wire and jacks.
Your first bill will include a prorated charge for the partial month of service plus a full month in advance for monthly service charges. For example, if you connect service in the middle of the month, your first bill will include prorated amounts for half a month, plus the month in advance.
No. A scheduled payment will not prevent your service from being interrupted. To avoid service interruption, you must make a payment arrangement with one of our customer care specialists by calling us at 1-800-421-5711.
Customer Service
Are you moving? Transferring your service is easy with one telephone call, at 1-800-421-5711.
Are you going on vacation? You can temporarily suspend your service and pay little to nothing while you're gone. Call customer service at 1 800-421-5711.
To report a problem with your phone, call 1 800-400-1273 or for an internet problem, you can call our technical support department at 1 877-882-6386.
To cancel Valley Telecom Group service, contact customer service at 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
a. Online at:
b. By phone 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
c. In one of our office locations, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
a. Valley Telecom Group offers Lifeline assistance and Link up assistance.
b. Lifeline benefits include a reduction of monthly rates for local service. You must receive one or more of the following benefits to qualify. Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Federal Public Housing Assistance, Section 8 Federal Housing Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP).
c. To sign up these discounts, please go to For more information go to
E-911 stands for Enhanced 911. E-911 is a North American telecommunications based system that automatically associates a physical address with the calling party's telephone number, and routes the call to the most appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for that address. The caller's address and information is displayed to the call taker immediately upon call arrival. This provides emergency responders with the location of the emergency without the person calling for help having to provide it. This is often useful in times of fires, break-ins, kidnapping and other events where communicating one's location is difficult or impossible.
Your E-911 location address is required to connect service because it gives emergency personnel a site location of your physical address.
When the agreement is due to expire, the service will be continued month to month automatically unless you have informed your provider to cancel it. After your agreement term is completed, you are entitled to cancel your service at any time.
If you have access to internet service you can check your Valley Telecom Group e-mail at
a. You can watch a tutorial video for re-booting your router at the following location
a. Download speed is the speed at which you can down load web page, music or films. Upload speed is the speed at which you view WebPages.
b. All information you send or receive over the Internet is bits of data, whether it's a web page, an email, a music track or a video clip. Each element of data is a different size and is measured in Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB) or Gigabytes (GB). The average email is around 4KB, a digital photo around 1MB and a music track around 5MB (1MB=1024KB, 1GB=1024MB).
You can find all our calling features and instructions online.
a. Contact the Direct Marketing Association to have your name removed from the telephone solicitation lists. Write to: Telephone Preference Service, C/O Direct Marketing Association, Inc., PO Box 9014, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014.
b. Tell solicitors you want to be added to the caller's do-not-call list and do not want to receive any further solicitations from that person or entity. The person or entity making the call must keep a record of your do-not-call request for ten years from the time of your request and may not make further telephone solicitations to your home. However, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations are not required to keep do-not-call lists
c. Sign up on the National Do Not Call Registry. It's FREE to register your home or mobile number.
Full instructions for using your voicemail can found on our Calling Features page.
a. PIC stands for Primary Interexchange Carrier, which is another way of saying interstate long-distance carrier. At your request, Valley can place a PIC freeze on your phone line to prevent your long distance service from being switched to another provider by anyone but you.
b. To add or remove a freeze from your account, please call customer service at 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
c. If your long distance carrier was switched without your knowledge or permission, please call customer service at 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
You have three options for inside wiring. Choose the one that best meets your needs:
a. Experienced Valley Telecom Group technicians can install inside wiring or jacks. Call customer service for rates. 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
b. Hire an experienced independent contractor.
c. Do the installation yourself.
If you need installation for internet, Call customer service for rates. 1-800-421-5711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
If a call is blocked by the caller, then the Caller ID unit will display "private", "anonymous", or "blocked". If the call was unidentified because the call originated from lines that are not Caller ID equipped, then the Caller ID unit will display "unavailable", "out of area", or "unknown".
Call customer service to subscribe to the Anonymous Call Rejection feature. Once subscribed, you can activate and deactivate the feature at any time. To activate, simply lift the receiver and press *77. To deactivate, pick up the receiver and press *87.
You can order more telephone directories by calling 1 800-888-8448 or by visiting Dex on the internet at
Non-listed number: Your name, phone number and address are not listed in the phone book but is still available through directory assistance
Non-published number: Your name, phone number and address listing is omitted from the phone book and is unavailable through directory assistance
a. Online.
b. By phone 1 800-421-4711, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
c. Stop by one of our office locations, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.