During the 58th Annual Membership Meeting of the Valley Telephone Cooperative held on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022, Chief Operations Officer Kristi Lee addressed upcoming expansion plans and those serving areas affected by the plans. Ms. Lee reported that the Cooperative had six projects that have been engineered utilizing internal financing and are now ready to go out to contractor bid to include:
- In Bonita: the residential area of the Fort Grant Prison, the west end of Sunset Loop, and a majority of the customers in the Bonita/Klondyke area.
- In Pearce: an area east of Cochise Stronghold Rd running north and south of Ironwood Rd, and an area off of Cochise Stronghold Rd along Dreamcatcher Road.
- In Sunizona, the northeast area of 181 and Turkey Creek Rd commonly referred to as Rock Creek.
She continued that the Cooperative had 13 projects that will be engineered this year using loan funds to include:
- The Town of Hachita
- The Windmill area of Playas
- The Village of Columbus
- Two projects in Elfrida to include an area north of Elfrida, from Gleeson Rd running south to Courtland Rd, encompassing both the east and west sides of Hwy 191, and an area east of Mormon Road encompassing both the north and south sides of Jefferson Rd.
- One project in McNeal beginning at Davis Rd, running south along Frontier Road.
- Four in Pearce, to include an area encompassing Dragoon Rd and Mesquite Road, an area east and west of Desert Road running south of Highland to Pearce Road, an area north of Sunsites along Hwy 191 from Birch Road to High St, and an area south of Sunsites west of Hwy 191 from Treasure Rd to Highland Road.
- Two in Portal to include the Whitetail Canyon Area and the Town of Portal, and
One in Sunizona to include an area north and south of Hwy 181 and west of where Hwy 181 bends north.
(Pictured: COO Kristi Lee and Serving Area Map)